National Diploma in Fine Craft and Design
The DNMADE (Diplôme National des Métiers d’Art et du Design) is the new National Diploma of higher education in Contemporary Craft and Design that will confer on its holder a Bachelor of Arts degree. DNMADE1 will replace the foundation year in 2018-2019 (see course structure). In 2019-2020, DNMADE2 will replace BTS1, and BTS2 will be replaced by DNMADE3 in 2020-2021. The first DNMADE students to graduate will be in 2021.
Over a 3-year study period, the DNMADE students will gradually specialise and become more and more independent and professional. Ensaama offers 17 courses opening up to a wide range of fields in Crafts and Design. Our curriculum shows that not only do we aim to form specialists in a particular field of study, but we also familiarise future practitioners with the various aspects of contemporary craft and design.
Courses offered to Erasmus + students :
Course | ECTS |
STUDIO (creation) | 12 |
Art & Design Culture | 5 |
Methodologies and techniques | 6 |
Spatial Design
Space – architecture, services and urban mobility
Major course of study: Spatial Design
Minor course of study: Social innovation
The course focuses mainly on architecture in programmes that deal with interior and exterior urban spaces: work places, retail spaces, service activities, shared spaces, as well as design and architectural issues related to the field of transport and equipment.
Career prospects: architect, interior architect, designer, urban planner.
Space – housing, furniture and environment
Major course of study: Spatial Design
Minor course of study: “Object” Design
Focusing on architecture, the curriculum covers the global notion of housing: microarchitecture and furniture design. This includes individual and collective housing, micro-architecture, architectural extensions, furniture and equipment involved in landscape design or urban planning.
Career prospects: architect, interior architect, designer, urban planner, landscape designer.
Space – architecture, culture, national heritage and mediation
Major course of study: Space
Minor course of study: Graphic Design
This course deals with public and private architectural programmes in the field of culture: foundations, museums, performance halls, media libraries, exhibition scenography. It involves the national heritage programme including natural and urban landscapes with architectural rehabilitation issues.
Career prospects: architect, interior architect, museographer or exhibition scenographer.
Product Design
Product Design, usage, innovation and production
Major course of study: Product Design
Minor course of study: Materials
The course teaches industrial designers to create innovative products treating technical, economic, social, cultural or aesthetic topics. Students adapt to emerging lifestyles and the requirements of companies or institutions. Different materials are investigated based on today’s technology involving all the design agents ranging from external public or private partners to research laboratories.
Product – social and digital innovation
Major course of study: Product Design
Minor course of study: Digital and social innovation
The aim of the course is to teach product and service designers how to investigate the changes in today’s society and how to treat contemporary environmental and digital issues using service and interaction design. The students are trained to design tomorrow’s user experiences, exploring product types and systems, interfaces and connected objects or spaces by identifying, creating, developing, and testing out innovative and exploratory devices.
Unique product of exception, experimental practices and alternative productions
The aim is to encourage creator-designers to question the meaning and identity of the object by studying the codes, fields of investigation, savoir-faire and the materials required for luxury goods. Students learn to produce exceptional objects and limited-edition furniture, to design in situ installations. They also design in situ installations for cultural or commercial events. An exploratory and experimental approach to materials and crafts is developed.
Graphic Design
Printed and digital edition and typography
Major course of study: Graphic Design
Minor course of study: Digital – Product
This course deals with interactivity in reading media: printed and digital edition (book, poster, screen, interface).
The student-graphic designer develops questions related to design (composition, texts, images, sound, animation) and making (printing, finishing, programming, editing).
Career prospects: Art director for the press, graphic designer in a publishing house or in a graphic design studio, interface designer, web designer or motion designer.
Linear and interactive storytelling
Major course of study: Digital
Minor course of study: Graphic design – product
This course opens up to professional careers in digital creation in the fields of graphic design, animation, events and performing arts: art director, interface designer, interaction designer, web documentary designer, data designer. The student is taught how to explore the potential of the digital image, how to design several types of narratives (both linear and interactive), how to develop the technology of the video, of animation, 3D, programming, how to build user interfaces.
Identity design – cultural, institutional and advertising communication
Major course of study: Graphic Design
Minor course of study: Digital –Event
This course leads to Art Director careers in multi-channel communications agencies (advertising, event, interactivity). It aims to design and make different signs of communication: graphic charters and signs, logotypes, pictograms, etc and to apply them onto different media: posters, printed material, packaging, films, interactivity, street marketing or events.
Career prospects: Art Director, project manager, film or video maker.
Events Design
Events/Spatial communication, scenography and Events programmes
Major course of study: Events Design
Minor course of study: Digital – Space
This course trains Events designers. The curriculum includes graphics, multimedia, architecture and scenography. It investigates the design of communication strategies and the creation of brand identities applied to communications spaces, display or sales areas.
Career propsects: Creative or Art Director in global communications agencies, stand designer, point-of-purchase advertising, retail designer, events scenography.
Textile design
Textile – colour, material, surface
Major course of study: Textile design
Minor course of study: Materials
The course explores clothing, object, housing, public space or service design. It develops creative and unique approaches in projects ranging from the exceptional piece to the industrial prototype. Creative methodology, design and studio practices are combined in the field of colour, graphic design, material and aspect, material processing, trend communication, ancient know-how and innovative technology in weaving, knitting, printing and the textile ennobling process.
Performing Arts
Sculpture applied to the stage area
Major course of study: Performing Arts
Minor course of study: Space – Animation
This course aims to train artist-sculptors creating temporary set designs for the theatre, films, animation, advertising and events. The students are taught how to design sets according to an adapted methodology. The creation of the 3D pieces requires high proficiency in techniques such as modelling, direct carving, moulding, the use of composite materials, wood construction, as well as colour surface treatment.
Ornament, mosaic, conception, creation and innovation
Major course of study: Ornament and Materials
Minor course of study: Space
This course includes drawing, colour and volume. It deals with the manipulation of lasting materials: glass, enamel, ceramics, stone, or concrete. An experimental and personal approach should be adopted in order to master the art of mosaics, the aim being to adapt to the contemporary object and space.
Career prospects: mosaic craftsman, contemporary mosaic designer, collaborator in interior architecture.
Ornament, wall art and surface treatment
Major course of study: Ornament and space
Minor course of study: Materials
This course develops creativity and projects in mural expression connected to the urban and architectural environment. Various techniques are taught: painting, fresco, sgraffitto, aerograph, bas relief and wall ceramics. The aim of the course is for the student to be able to innovate as well as acquiring versatile professional skills.
Career prospects: fresco craftsman, architectural decorator, wall ceramicist…
Stained-glass, conception, creation, innovation, monumental application
Major course of study: Ornament and space
Minor course of study: Graphic design
The course focusing on stained-glass trains craftsmen specialising in heritage monuments and glass-maker painters, ranging from restoration to contemporary creation. The aim is to acquire specific savoir-faire thanks to age-old practices in drawing, color, and transparency, thus enabling the students to conceive innovative creations based on research and experimentation.
Lacquer conception, creation, innovation
Major course of study: Materials
Minor course of study: Digital
Ranging from luxury to decoration, including the creation of exceptional pieces, this one-of-a-kind course offers to develop the specific know-how of a lacquer artist by favouring the diversity of materials (2D and 3D European and Asian lacquer, gilding). It aims to train designers, luxury and historical heritage artisans, and lacquer decorators in design innovation, manufacturing digital technology and in using digital communication for their company.
Metal conception, creation, innovation
Major course of study: Materials
Minor course of study: Digital
From one-off pieces to small series, from the prototype to pieces of furniture, this course of metal creation (creative metalwork) aims to train designers, sculptors, jewellers or contemporary silversmiths. The course is very much focused on acquiring specific know-how, notably the forming of metal in sheaths (unique to France). Digital technology is taught with a purpose of innovation in Crafts as much as for professional communication (website, catalogue).